Today we went to the hospital for Tye's Stem Cell Harvest. This is where they run his blood through a machine and strip off the stem cells. They will freeze the stem cells and then down the road he will get them back in order to recover from Chemotherapy. He was such a champ. He sat perfectly still for 6 and a half hours with only a couple of complaints towards the end. They called him the dream patient. They said they have to hold most of the kids down because they won't sit still.
Glad that day is behind us. Now on to more adventures....
He was done with the process at this point and wanted to go home |
My heart goes out to your entire family. I can imagine how difficult and incredibly stressful all of this is for all of you. You have my sincerest hope for a full recovery for Tye and the least amount of all around fall out that cancer tends to bring to a family. I'm glad to see you've been able to set up a donation fund to help with all the related expenses insurance might not cover, medical and other.otherwise. Hugs to your little guy, our family is pulling for him.